

Head of State ratified provision of an agreement to recognize electoral results

“I'm ready for the day they summon me to sign,” said the head of state

Published at: 11/06/2024 07:48 PM

This Tuesday, June 11, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, assured that the private company Ideadatos has provided an important fact that 51% of voters express their preference for the political parties and movements of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Faced with this scenario, the head of state confirmed that he agrees with the proposal of the National Electoral Council (CNE), that all candidates for the Presidency sign an agreement to recognize the electoral bulletin issued by the Electoral Power, next July 28, at night, with the results.

“So that no one leaves in cries of fraud or guarimba. I'm ready for the day they summon me to sign,” he said.

The head of state pointed out that “it is a significant fact, as José Vicente Rangel would say, because it is the hard vote,” he stressed, while recalling that the aforementioned company, in the last elections held in the country, has given exact results.

He stressed that the pollster points out that when asked about the presidential candidates, “and the 'red roost' appears with 56%, that is, five points more than the sum of the parties.”

He said this during his radio program “Con Maduro de Repente”, where he had the governor of Carabobo, Rafael Lacava, as a guest.

“Approximately 36% are distributed among all the patarucos, as a matter of fact. Out of 30 elections, we have won 38,” he said.

The sector vice-president of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez, reported that the pollster Ideadatos reports that if the elections were held tomorrow (Wednesday) 56.1% would vote for President Maduro.

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