

Head of State overinvolved in the five conspiracies: They are convicted and confessed!

Con Maduro+ Program new season
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 22/01/2024 08:26 PM

“All those involved as material authors of the five conspiracies, reported and presented, were discovered by State intelligence and all are arrested, convicted and confessed.”

This was reported by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, in his program Con Maduro+, where he detailed that the recorded and written testimonies of those involved confirm plans to attack military units and fill the country with violence”.

The Head of State highlighted the effective action in accordance with human and constitutional rights on the part of the Public Ministry, which this Monday presented the case to the country in the voice of the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab.

“The country has a Public Ministry of the highest level, as well as its police and intelligence that has prevented a bloodbath,” he stressed and noted that “2023 has been a year to unveil, discover and defeat a permanent conspiracy against peace in Venezuela.”

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