

Head of State: Our people are driven by love and they like to participate in the campaign (+Factor M)

The musical activity can be seen starting April 28
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 15/04/2024 10:21 PM

This Monday, April 15, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, received the first finishers of the Factor M contest to learn about and listen to the songs that are competing to become the theme of the presidential campaign.

Our people are driven by love and they like to participate in the campaign (...) For us this is the campaign: it's happiness, it's joy. Don't let yourself be robbed of joy!”

During his Con Maduro+ program, the Head of State spoke with those responsible for holding the reins of the contest that began on April 12 and will last for several weeks. “This is a musical contest to choose the songs that will be the themes of the People's electoral campaign. It's never been done like this!” , he ruled.

Camila Fabri from Saab, producer of the contest, said that “the project is full of joy and emotion. Throughout these days we have received hundreds of proposals and I have felt the love behind each letter. This project is unique and necessary because there are many artists who want to be part of the campaign”.

The Head of State added that every Sunday starting April 28, the contest will be broadcast on the Tves channel.

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