

Head of State on fake news against president of the CNE: Vicky Dávila got back to fighting

“Amoroso is fulfilling his duties as always,” said the National President

Published at: 15/10/2024 07:21 PM

The President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Nicolás Maduro, denounced attacks by the international media against the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso.

On this topic, he emphasized that the international media “were engaged in daily psychological warfare, the magazine Semana de Bogotá, which is the drug trafficking magazine, by the paramilitaries Alvaro Uribe Vélez and Iván Duque, today entitled: 'Elvis Amoroso fled Venezuela '”.

“I say to Vicky Dávila (Colombian journalist), an accomplice to Colombian drug trafficking and paramilitaries: 'You fought again, '” he said.

In this scenario of mistakes, the head of state said that “you continue as you are, that you are doing well, with lies, fake news and we with the truth”.

This was stated in the Mountain Barracks, in the parish of 23 de Enero, in the Libertador municipality, where he led the act of Transmission of Command of the General Commands of the Army, Navy, Aviation and Militia; the Integral Defense Regions (REDI) (Capital, Central, Los Andes, Guyana and Insular); the Presidential Honor Guard (GHP); the Service of Integral Defense (REDI) Bolivarian National Intelligence (SEBIN) and the Military Counterintelligence Directorate (DGGIM).

He said that the president of the nation's Electoral Power, “Amoroso, is fulfilling his duties as always.”

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