

Head of State: More than two million registered in Gran Misión Abuelas y Abuelos de la Patria

Closing of the National Congress of Grandmothers and Grandparents of the Fatherland
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 29/05/2024 05:59 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reported that in three weeks after the creation of the Great Mission Grandmothers and Grandparents of the Fatherland, a total of 2 million 133 thousand 317 grandparents and grandmothers have been registered nationwide in all the states of the country.

He explained that the states with the highest number of registrations are: Zulia, Miranda, Carabobo, Caracas, Aragua, Lara, Anzoátegui, Bolívar, Falcón, Táchira, Sucre, Portuguesa, Monagas, Guárico, Mérida, Barinas, Yaracuy, Nueva Esparta, Apure, La Guiara, Cojedes, Delta Amacuro and Amazonas.

“We are proposing, with a greater effort, to reach 30,000 circles of grandparents and grandmothers in one month (...) Circles are the basis for everything, they are the root, the foundation, the structure. Today I also tell you that the resources for grandparents' homes will not depend on mayors or governorates. Leave the grandparents to me! “, he said.

He stressed that “we are the youth of the 70s and 80s. We have extended the strength of youth and all of us who are here have intact dreams of a beautiful, prosperous, free, sovereign and independent homeland that is for everyone and everything”. He added that “we are the founding generation of the Bolivarian Revolution of the 21st century, we were the ones who accompanied Commander Hugo Chávez in his struggles in the catacombs of the People and took him to Miraflores. We are the builders and we have to leave our homeland free and sovereign for the new generations.”

The Head of State asserted that “I have been loyal with my life to the people of Venezuela, to the oath I took with Commander Chávez and his legacy. I have put my life and chest to defend the people from the sanctions and perversity of the right wing and imperialism. I have never looked down on the oligarchy, the surnames or the empire and I will never look down on them because I am the son of Chávez and I have to represent the dignity and courage of a people.”

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