

Head of State: Let's unite all our love and all our wills so that we have a Homeland

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 03/06/2024 07:17 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during his program With Maduro+, stressed the need to do good in the country and for this, everything that must be united must be united towards the great objectives to achieve national growth and development.

The Head of State reiterated that his work is aimed “at awakening conscience, the union of wills and at moving the passion of love for the Fatherland, so that we can move forward today more than ever, united, in dialogue, in consensus towards the great objectives that Venezuela has and that will take us to a splendid time”.

He also asked to unite “all our love and all our wills so that we have a homeland for all, a homeland for all, a united homeland”.

He reiterated that “there are people who have talent, intelligence, and are dedicated to personal ambition, to power, to money and they don't realize that the transcendent thing in life is to do good and the only way to do good is to love, to love the family in the first place”.

“Bolivar said: let's put fear behind our backs and save the Homeland. I say: Let us unite all our love and all our will so that we have a homeland for all, for all, a united homeland”, reiterated the head of state.

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