

Head of State instructs to put into operation Carlos Lanz Rodríguez Children's Production School

Presidential day from Petare in Miranda state
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 22/05/2024 05:43 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, advised the establishment of the Carlos Lanz Rodríguez Children's Production School, in all schools of the end to vindicate the legacy of the school teacher promoted by the sociologist and teacher from Creole.

From Petare in Miranda state, the Head of State held an information day to present the fully rehabilitated Mariano Picón Salas National Educational Unit.

He specified that “we must develop productive capacity with our hands” and therefore urged young students to work on it. He stressed that “we must develop student clusters, gardens and that they grow and expand”.

President Maduro insisted that it is “important to learn to sow and cultivate, because what you learn at this age of eight, ten, twelve and up to 16 you never forget.”

“What a Great Productive Generation! May they have a mind, hand, ideas and productive hands. We must build a giant generation that is educated and trained to build a different country,” he stressed.

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