

Head of State instructs to cross the Onia Bridge and create Mérida tourist corridor from Colombia

Day from La Carlota in Caracas
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 05/09/2024 06:36 PM

This Thursday, September 5, the Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, instructed to open the passage through the Onia Bridge and make the tourist corridor so that the Colombian people can enjoy the beauty of the state of Mérida.

“We are going to open the Onia bridge that connects the neighboring country with the beauties of the state of Mérida so that they can come and enjoy our snowfall and landscapes completely free of charge. Let them come to know the wonders of this blessed land,” President Maduro urged the governors of Mérida, Jehyson Guzmán and Táchira, Freddy Bernal.

In addition, in the state of Táchira, it activated the tourist routes of Páramos Magici de Capacho, Camino del Peregrino Santo Cristo de la Grita and Viaje al Corazón del Café Tachirense.

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