

Head of State inaugurated new statue of Commander Chàvez in La Guaira

Published at: 28/09/2024 07:30 PM

The president of the Bolvarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, unveiled a statue of Commander Hugo Chávez in the Plaza del Estado La Guaira.

“It truly is a wonderful work of art. Which you must take care of and that it is the center of cultural, civic-military and police activities of our union. As a vindication of Commander Chávez's legacy for peace and our independence,” he emphasized.

He recalled that two months ago the town of La Guaira was a victim of fascism, in which also emblematic works such as Plaza Bolívar-Chàvez, where the extreme right wing demolished the statue of the Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution.

“One of the states most affected by fascism was La Guaira, they threatened community leaders and had the audacity to tear down a statue of our beloved Hugo Chávez Frìas. And for every statue that was knocked down in the country, a hundred will be raised by the hand of the People and the artists,” he said.

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