

Head of State: In January we will have the lowest inflation figure in more than a decade

Presentation of the Annual Message to the Nation and Delivery of Memory and Account 2023 to the National Assembly
AN Press

Published at: 15/01/2024 01:36 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, celebrated this Monday the fulfillment of the Bolivarian Government's first line of work in 2023, regarding the consolidation of the economic growth of the Homeland with equality.

During the presentation of his Annual Message to the Nation and Delivery of Memory and Account 2023 to the National Assembly, the Head of State highlighted the progress of the new national economic model of high development of the productive forces, to “contain the economic war and prevent it from completely annihilating the Social Welfare State, built as a solid system of missions, great missions for protection. of the Venezuelan family”.

In this regard, he praised the three major goals achieved. First, “the slowdown and control of inflation”, secondly, the “consolidation of the exchange rate balance, of the new exchange system that emerged during the economic war”, and, thirdly, the “real and tangible growth of the economy and of domestic oil and non-oil production”.

The Dignitary indicated that “inflation remains the first enemy defeated in any economy and in our assaulted, blocked and persecuted economy. In addition to being the priority task, it is the most difficult since criminal sanctions operate directly against the country's revenues, affecting liquidity for the purchase of inputs necessary for the market of goods and services.”

“In 2023, we managed to reduce inflation by 33 points compared to the previous year, reaching the lowest monthly figure last December, which was 2.4%,” and “everything suggests that in January we will have the lowest inflation figure in more than a decade and a half,” he emphasized.

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