

Head of State: Hugo Chávez ignited the Bolivarian sacred flame in the heart of the People

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro

Published at: 24/06/2024 05:48 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, from Campo de Carabobo, where the parade commemorating the most important battle for Venezuelan independence took place, thanked Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez for lighting the sacred Bolivarian flame in the heart of the People.

“From here, from this field, I thank you, dear supreme commander Hugo Chávez Frías, for igniting the sacred flame in the heart of the people who were asleep, subdued for decades, for two centuries,” he said.

The head of state assured that for Bolivarians, June 24 is a very important date, “for us this 24th, for those of us who love history, that we love Bolivar means so much.”

He also indicated that the unknown soldier called “has a name and has learned is the people's soldier. The unknown soldier of course who has a name is the Zambo, mixed race, black, Indian soldier, Pueblo soldier”.

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