

Head of State delivers Guillermo Cova rehabilitated high school in Miranda: We defend the right to the future

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro
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Published at: 05/06/2024 04:54 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, delivered this Wednesday the rehabilitated Guillermo Cova National Educational Unit (UEN), located in Santa Teresa del Tuy, Miranda state.

The institution's recovery work was carried out through the 1x10 System of Good Governance and the Military Community Brigades for Education and Health (BRICOMILES).

During the reopening of the space, the Head of State criticized the intentions of the national extreme right to privatize education if they returned to the power of the Executive, stressing that the Bolivarian Revolution guarantees free and quality education for children and young people in the Homeland.

“We cannot let these people come to power in Venezuela, they want to privatize education as they did in Argentina, as they have done everywhere, no, we want to improve quality free public and scientific education,” said President Maduro.

In this regard, he urged the student community to be aware “that we are defending the right to the future. Do not allow yourselves to be taken away from the right to the future, boys and girls, and the right to the future is guaranteed with the united people.”

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