

Head of State declares June 15 as the Day of Repentance in Christ, of Hope and the Good News

Event held at the Presidential Palace of Miraflores
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 15/06/2024 09:52 PM

The Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, decreed June 15 as the day of repentance in Christ, of hope and of the good news. This was stated at an event held at the Miraflores Palace on the night of this Saturday, June 15, with the country's Christian shepherds and pastors.

“May God bless you, count on me, I will never fail you,” said President Maduro.

“I say to all our people, of different beliefs, faiths, religions (...) I see in the People an ever deeper faith. I see it in people who love, believe and who see beyond, because love and faith make you see beyond,” said the Head of State.

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