

Head of State: Critical awareness is the vaccine to avoid manipulations of social networks

Misuse of social networks can lead to violence, damage to society and psychological disturbances, said the head of state

Published at: 05/02/2024 05:47 PM

This Monday, January 5, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized that “the vaccine for our children and young people to grow up healthy and to face manipulation is to create a critical awareness in the classroom and at home.”

Referring to the serious effect that social networks can cause on youth, the National President emphasized that the misuse of social networks can lead to violence, damage to society and psychological disturbances.

In this regard, he convened social workers, sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and organizations to discuss the reach of social networks and their influence on youth, in a Seminar on the Influence of Social Networks on the Future of Youth and Humanity.

“We are going to convene a large working group so that in Venezuela we can hold a seminar on the topic of the influence of social networks and the future of youth and humanity,” he announced.

During the program “With Maduro+”, a special edition dedicated to all the youth of Venezuela, he pointed out that many of the contents of social networks “generate emotional peaks (...) to generate indignation, destabilize countries, generate peaks of disappointment, sadness, depression, discomfort”.

“They also generate things and you don't know who's behind them, strange behaviors to influence and promote the consumption of things, consumerism and drugs,” he said.

He argued that it is not known when the message or publication arrived, “the one about lethal affectation, taking the concept of the United States Congress, does not say it by Maduro.”

The head of state, denounced that currently the extremist opposition through social networks “manipulates every word I say”.

“They are now in a phase of manipulating every word, speech,” he warned.

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