

Head of State congratulated President Putin and the Russian People on victory in Presidential Elections

“Our embrace to all the Russian people and to the United Russia party!” , said President Maduro

Published at: 17/03/2024 10:45 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, this Sunday, March 17, congratulated the Russian People and President Vladimir Putin, for their extraordinary victory in the Presidential Elections of the Russian Federation.

The head of state, through his account on the social network X, stated that “I send my congratulations to the brotherly people of Russia and to President Vladimir Putin for their extraordinary victory in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation”.

He emphasized that “it has been an impeccable electoral process that in these last 3 days has demonstrated its democratic participation in an exemplary way.”

“Our embrace to all the Russian people and to the United Russia party!” , highlighted.

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