

Head of State confirmed 15 dead and 11 injured by accident in an illegal mine in Bolívar

“We have two helicopters to get those affected out of the mine,” said the head of state

Published at: 21/02/2024 08:04 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, clarified and reported that there are 15 deaths and 11 injuries caused by a collapse in the illegal Bulla Loca mine, located in Bolívar state.

In this regard, he stressed that "Civil Protection and security forces are in the rescue work”.

“I convey my condolences to the families and relatives of these people who sadly died in this accident when this illegal mine collapsed,” he said.

The information was provided in the state of Apure, during a working day dedicated to domestic production, where he commented that the incident occurred because a hole opened at a depth of 30 meters and 10 meters long, “various news came out; an unconfirmed international news came out, announcing a number of 40 dead and 100 missing, which is alarming and painful”.

He specified that this information released through the American news channel CNN in Spanish is attributed to the mayor of the Angostura municipality, Yorgi Arciniega, who would have declared in the midst of a state of desperation, President Maduro said when quoting the words of the governor of the state of Bolívar, Ángel Marcano.

The head of state reported that as part of the rescue work, “we have two helicopters to get those affected out of the mine.”

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