

Head of State: Commander Chávez broke the Armed Forces's dependence on imperialism

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Con el Mazo Dando

Published at: 02/02/2024 05:39 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during the Act of Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution and the launch of the Great Young Venezuela Mission, assured that Commander Hugo Chávez refounded the Liberation Army of Simon Bolivar and broke the ties of dependence with North American imperialism.

“He refounded the Bolivarian Army, broke the ties of dependence with foreign, imperialist and repressive doctrines, built another doctrine, rescued the vision, dignified the role of the officer, in every sense, with the FANB officer in charge of his armed force, not the gringo officers, that's over,” said the Head of State.

He reiterated that the doctrine of Bolívar, Sucre, Miranda, Urdaneta is the source of inspiration for the FANB, as well as the history of resistance of Guaicaipura, Negro Andresote, José Leonardo Chirinos to combat the demoralization into which the fourth republic had plunged into armed force.

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