

Head of State: Chavism in the street proved that it is the guarantee of peace in Venezuela

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 05/02/2024 05:08 PM

During his program With Maduro+, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, has already stated that the march of last February 4 makes it clear that Venezuelans are determined to defend peace.

“We are the guarantee of peace and when I say we are, I am and when I say I am, I say we are,” said the Head of State, who emphasized that 50% of those attending this march were young people.

The President reiterated his faith in the youth, as well as in the men and women of the Fatherland to face imperialist threats.

“We are living a week of great achievements in which we praise the values of justice, love and humanity that move our country, and show the world ordinary people, good people who work and strive to enhance the Homeland and exalt the affirmation of heroic V Venezuela. Let's continue together to build a future of hope, inclusion, peace and maximum happiness for all. Come on, yes, you can!” , he insisted.

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