

Head of State awards merenguero Omar Enrique for 30 years of musical career

With Maduro + number 51
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 24/06/2024 10:31 PM

After celebrating 30 years of musical career, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro decorated the Venezuelan merenguero Omar Enrique.

“I want to put the General Order in Chief Rafael Urdaneta in the first class on Omar Enrique's chest, because he was born in Maracaibo and that's the way he should be,” said the Head of State. He added that such recognition is a sign of the affection of all those who recognize him.

“In the name of our country and of all the generations that have danced to his music and because of the roof that he has left the national flag, he receives this award,” he said.

For his part, the singer said he was happy with this distinction. “I feel very happy (...) over the weekend we had a great performance at El Poliedro in Caracas with musicians and singers from other countries to the delight of everyone,” he said.

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