

Head of State asks to disseminate projects and research developed by Venezuelan women scientists

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 23/05/2024 05:37 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, at the meeting “Women in Science and Technology”, asked to disseminate the 210 research projects carried out by women, funded by the National Executive with resources derived from the contributions of the Organic Law on Science, Technology and Innovation.

The Head of State called for the participation of women researchers in scientific and technological activities with a sensitive perspective, responsible attitude and commitment to Mother Earth.

“A communication effort must be made on social networks, in the media, to disseminate the scope and relevance of these scientific investigations from universities and national research centers, which infect the generations of boys and girls who are being trained throughout the country with that thirst for knowledge,” said the president from La Casona Cultural “Aquiles Nazoa”, located in the state of Miranda.

The “Women in Science and Technology” meeting takes place in the context of the Great Mission Science, Technology and Innovation “Humberto Fernández-Morán”, activated on April 10 with the premise of strengthening applied science for life, health and peace through permanent training to generate relief for the country's endogenous, scientific and technological development.

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