

Head of State appoints godparents in the country's 23 states for the attention of the People

Working day of the 1x10 System of Good Governance
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 15/02/2024 06:04 PM

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro announced the appointment of a group of officials as godmothers and godparents in the 23 states and the country's Capital District.

“These godmothers and godparents must guarantee efficient solutions to the most sensitive demands of the Venezuelan people,” he said.

These are Caracas: Mervin Maldonado; Zulia: Néstor Reverol; Miranda: Gabriela Jiménez; Carabobo: Dheliz Álvarez; Aragua: Yelitze Santaella; Lara: Ernesto Villegas; Anzoátegui: Pedro Tellechea; Bolivar: Delcy Rodríguez; Táchira: Rodolfo Marco Torres; F alcón: Juan Carlos Loyo; Sucre: Remigio Ceballos; Monagas: Carlos Leal Tellería.

For the Portuguese State : Raúl Paredes; Mérida: Wilmar Castro Soteldo; Barinas: G/J Vladimir Padrino López; Guárico: Ricardo Menéndez; Tr Jujillo: Magaly Gutierrez; Yaracuy: José Félix Rivas; Nueva Esparta: Ali Padrón; Apure: Ildemaro Villarroel; La Guaira: Yván Gil; With bosses: Sandra Oblitas; Delta Amacuro: Clara Vidal and Am Zonas: Josué Lorca.

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