

Head of State announces that UC students will travel and train in Shanghai

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 31/05/2024 08:53 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during the delivery of spaces at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Carabobo, announced that students from that house of higher education in the country will travel to the city of Shanghai, for training in various areas.

“Recently, with Governor Lacava's visit to the city of Shanghai, China, a hub of technological and financial development in Asia, the agreement was finalized that will allow UC students and engineers to carry out internships and studies in the various areas of work that will be developed to reempower the industrial park and the technological sector in the region,” said the President.

They accompanied the President, Cilia Flores de Maduro, first combatant and deputy to the National Assembly (AN), Rafael Lacava, governor of the Carabobeña entity, Jacqueline Faria, president of the Venezuela Bella Mission, Jessy Divo de Romero, rector of the University of Carabobo, Ana González, mayor of Naguanagua, among other authorities and special guests.

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