

Head of State announces national workshop on the use of social networks: For the truth of Venezuela!

With Maduro + #47
Presidential Press

Published at: 27/05/2024 07:52 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced that next Sunday there will be a national workshop on the use of social networks to publicize the truth of the Fatherland.

During the 47th edition of his Con Maduro+ program, the head of state stressed that “we must do a job of education and positive management of social networks, which serve for education, for entertainment, for transmitting the truth of countries, in this case of Venezuela, for values, for the strengthening of positive values in youth, in the family”.

He pointed out that social networks should not be “for anguish, for uncertainty, for lies, for activators, for pornography and for other unspeakable things that are out there.”

In this regard, he stated that the Bolivarian Revolution will “win on social networks”, so he urged to bring training around digital platforms “to all high schools, to all communities, to all community councils, to all universities”, and to prepare “professionally thousands and I'm not exaggerating if I say millions of young Venezuelans so that social networks have an active, proactive, positive attitude for them, for the community and for the country,” he emphasized.

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