

He panicked! Find out why La Sayo is thinking about breaking up with Crazy Leo and Juanito Alimaña (+CITGO)

María Corina Machado's advisors are working on a plan to generate false positives in two ways

Published at: 19/06/2024 09:54 PM

Valle Arriba Country Club, Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country

Hello Gordooooooooooo! Chubby in my heart, I'm super stressed out here, I escaped Cori because I've been fixing everything, my clothes, my wallets, my brand lenses, my little dog, everything, because the day Cori comes out to sing fraud and call my friends the gringos to intervene, I'm moving out, I'm moving out, I'm moving out! Diosdado José, I'm going to sleep in the PSUV because I'm not going to pay for Cori's broken plates, so wait for me with everything and moving.

I got tired of telling Cori that she shouldn't use Vente's chamos for her violent plans, but apparently that doesn't matter to her, I think Cori feels pleasure when she sees that her people pay the consequences of their actions, because that fuels her fantasy of feeling like a victim and at the same time a hero who will come to the rescue. Cori doesn't understand that a hero doesn't risk her people. Cori knows that anywhere in the world where you conspire against the government, you'll get the weight of the law, she doesn't reason.

My mango compote! , Cori is worried and looking for a strategy to avoid being peppered with CITGO, to the point that she wants to break up with Leopoldo López and Guaidó. Please! , Cori also wants to keep the owner of EVTV away, because of a gossip sent to her by Alberto Ravell about money received during the internship. The truth is that we are on our way to losing CITGO, but Cori wants to remain silent, because in that scandal she also has her share of responsibility.

Bebito, the situation with “Crazy Leo López” is very tense, so much so that in those idylls of Cori dreaming of being president, she says that she would not allow Leopoldo López to return to Venezuela, even if my uncle Inmundo, who lives lost in space, says yes. A “friend” who plays golf with me and is a friend of Leopoldo López, told me that the “Crazy Leo” assured him that, if Cori leaves him out of the game, he has a campaign prepared to destroy it, and he even asked one of his social media influencers, Gustavo Lainett, to start oiling the machinery with the aim of lowering Cori, Diosdi, explain to me that I didn't understand it.

Diosdi, as you already know, on Mondays there are two meetings in Bejucal, one where Cori sits with the head lice of the PUPU and the other where Cori sits down with us to vent everything he thinks about them. At the public meeting, he told the Unitary Platform that they must resolve and dedicate themselves exclusively to the issue of defending the vote, that they must increase the volume of the narrative, the photos and the polls to generate the perception that it is impossible to lose.

In the private meeting, Cori said that he was not going to summon the lice of Botox kidnapper Manuel Rosales anymore because they never attend, but he also said that all PUPU parties are losers, that none of them have done anything either for the commandos or for the 600k network. To give you an idea, the numbers are these: 17,200 unverified commands and 28,000 people in the 600K network, that is to say I drink, we have 572,000 people left for the network, could it be that out of love for me you lend us 572,000 Chavistas out of the almost six million you have?

Speaking of Manuel Rosales, a louse from UNT who goes to the same hairdresser where I get ready, she told me that Mr. Botox is going on tour starting June 28 and will be on your land in Monagas, when I told Cori he almost had a heart attack, I was so angry that he didn't have to ask me to call you to see if you could do him the favor of putting him in prison.

God, I feel like I'm in a Nazi party, bone! everything is a ban and an imposition by Magalli, the confinement is getting worse every day.

Magalli ordered that María Corina's tours at the national level avoid the intervention of other spokespersons. Magalli and Carlos Blancos ordered Cori to stop showing my uncle Inmundo's banner. Cori banned the entire VENTE team and its allies from touching the CITGO theme. Cori prohibited giving space on social networks to other public events other than those organized by the MUD and the Con Venezuela Command. Cori ordered an attack on all pollsters, analysts, journalists who talk about the growth of Nico Maduro and the numbers that favor Chavism, as you can see in my coconut candy, everything here is a ban, a mandate.

Diosdado José, listen to me! , this is the moment when I become toxic, let's talk about something very serious. Cori's advisors are working on a plan to generate false positives in two ways. One line is aimed at feigning aggressions, threats against María Corina and other opponents with the objective of blaming the government, for example, one of the most recent orders is that, before Cori arrives in each city, a climate of threat and violence must be created like what they did today in Guárico in the name of the “Tren del Llano”, even Cori herself did not believe it when she authorized it.

Another line of false positives, and this is one of the ones that worries me the most, is to attack government leaders, but showing that it is an internal problem of Chavism, which is why in recent days there has been an increase in the narratives of the pseudo-journalists paid by Cori and of some “ex-Chavistas” gentlemen, who try to sell fissures and internal struggles within Chavism, so, if something were to happen, they would present it not as an attack but as an internal bill pass.

God, I told Cori that trying to divide them, or that you are seducable at this point in the game, in other words, they can warm your ears to betray Nico Maduro, is a waste of time. Diosdado José, Cori knows that it is one thing to accompany her in her political acts and quite another to accompany her in plans of violence, assassinations and assassinations. My furrialeño, if anything should happen to you, to Nico Maduro, to Jorge Rodríguez, to Delcy, to any of you, to the Bolivarian Circles of Valle Arriba we will go down, whether dressed as Gucci or Prada, but we will go down, so that you are clear.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.