

GUÁRICO - CAMAGUÁN/Jorge Rodríguez: Opponents seek support after they tried to sell the Homeland

“They come with their lies after they asked that the country's coasts be blocked,” Rodríguez recalled
PSUV press

Published at: 15/05/2024 05:46 PM

The opposition currently seeks to deceive the people by seeking their support for the 2024 Presidential Elections, “after they tried by all means to sell the Venezuelan Homeland,” said Jorge Rodríguez, president of the National Assembly (AN) and member of the National Directorate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

“That's the plan they have, that's the objective, that's the role they already signed with their gringo owners: to give all the productive land in Venezuela to the gringos, and to give all the oil to the gringos and get rid of Guiana Esequiba,” he warned.

In the municipality of Camaguán, in the state of Guárico, in the mobilization of the People against the blockade and illegal sanctions, the psuvist leader stressed that the right wing “now comes with their deceptions after calling for illegal sanctions and economic blockade.”

“They come with their lies after they asked that the country's shores be blocked, now they come with their fraudulent operations, after they tried by all means to sell the Venezuelan homeland,” he said.

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