

GUÁRICO - CAMAGUÁN//Governor José Vásquez: President Maduro has demonstrated loyalty to the Homeland

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in the state of Guárico
PSUV press

Published at: 15/05/2024 05:47 PM

The governor of the state of Guárico, José Vásquez, exalted this Wednesday the loyalty demonstrated by the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, to the People and the Fatherland, which will be recognized in the elections next July 28.

From Camaguán, during a massive mobilization in support of the head of state and in rejection of imperial sanctions, Vásquez stressed that the People “have been resisting with hard work, with dedication, with commitment, and above all with the willingness to continue defending the Bolivarian Revolution, to continue assuming the commitment we made to Commander Hugo Chávez.”

He pointed out that “these years we have traveled a hard path, but thanks to the leadership and leadership of President Nicolás Maduro, who has above all demonstrated loyalty to the homeland, loyalty to Venezuela, loyalty of the people, convinced of independence, sovereignty and peace,” the people have emerged undefeated.

Finally, he stated that “Guárico has been a state that in the most difficult times has been with the Bolivarian Revolution, has been with Commander Chávez, has been with President Nicolás Maduro and will continue to be so.”

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