

GUÁRICO - CAMAGUÁN/Camaguanenses made themselves felt in the heat of patriotism and in support of the Revolution (+photos)

A new mobilization makes it clear that hope is in the street
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 15/05/2024 05:50 PM

This Wednesday, May 15, the inhabitants of the town of Camaguán, in the state of Guárico, mobilized in a clear demonstration of loyalty to the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro and in rejection of the U.S. blockade of the country.

During the mobilization, the president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, led the march and highlighted the importance of the resistance demonstrated by the inhabitants of this llanera entity.

Rodríguez urged the people of Guárico to remain dignified against the wishes of the United States to seize Venezuelan territory.

He recalled that Guárico remained forgotten by previous governments and was, together with the Venezuelan people, subjected to the most terrible blockade in 200 years.

Likewise, the psuvist leader recalled that Camaguán de los Esteros is the heir population of the centaur heroes of the country's independence.

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