

Guardians in Amor Mayor Program serves the elderly in the El Morro de Petare sector

Older adults from the Socialist Commune Argelia Laya and the La Fe Community Council in Victoria
CCEM Press

Published at: 10/06/2024 11:18 PM

Guardians in Amor Mayor Program benefited elderly people from the La Fe residential community in the El Morro sector of the Sucre municipality of Miranda state.

In this regard, representatives of the Socialist Commune Argelia Laya and the La Fe Community Council in Victoria thanked Mayor José Vicente Rangel Avalos and Deputy Gabriela Chacón, for their commitment to well-being with older adults, working tirelessly to provide them with the resources and services they so need.

For their part, the residents of the La Fe residence, Loma Alta and Calle La Providencia , thanked the head of the community Ana Arreaza, and the heads of Streets Nairoby Arreaza, Danilo Sojo and Elizabeth García; in addition to the main spokesperson of the Committee for Older Adults, Xiomara Aurrecoechea, the head of the community of Loma Alta, Ana Medina and the condominium board for support and assistance.

It should be noted that the Guardians in Greater Love Program has been a fundamental pillar in supporting the elderly through its various services and programs, which provide medical, social and emotional assistance to those who need it most, achieving a positive impact on this age group that lives in the residential community La Fe sector El Morro.

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