

Group of Friends of the UN Charter discuss schedule in defense of multilateralism

Chancellor Yván Gil
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 13/05/2024 12:16 PM

The Minister of People's Power for Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, specified that during the Second Meeting of National Coordinators of the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations (UN), a series of “important issues with regard to the defense of the principles of multilateralism and the defense of the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter” will be deliberated.

In this regard, he regretted that “in recent years the principles of the United Nations Charter have been systematically violated” and recalled that “Venezuela has been the victim, precisely, of that violation of the principles of non-interference, self-determination and complementarity; we have been excluded from the international system of many and many United Nations bodies that are dominated by the United States, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank that apply unilateral coercive measures to us”.

Gil pointed out that the Russian Federation and Palestine are also victims of this violation, while specifying that the Islamic nation “is the victim of a genocide practiced by the State of Israel, which violates all United Nations resolutions and unfortunately a system that is very slow to react or that practically does not react to this violation.”

He noted that after the different activities scheduled for this second meeting, a work schedule will emerge and will also allow Venezuela to share its experience of “how we have defeated (unilateral coercive measures) while remaining attached to international principles, the law and the Constitution.”

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