

Grecia Colmenares: Let's be like Nicolás Maduro, a loyal man who teaches him the youth of patriotism

Minister of People's Power for Youth, Grecia Colmenares
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Published at: 12/09/2024 06:44 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Youth and Secretary General of Youth of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (JPSUV), Grecia Colmenares, praised this Tuesday the commitment and dedication of the Venezuelan revolutionary girls to continue the work and the tireless struggle for the future of the country.

During the event to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the JPSUV, led by President Nicolás Maduro, Colmenares noted that it has been “16 years of struggle, of much study, of organization, of calling for life, of calling for struggle and certainly of calling for dreams and the future.”

He highlighted the joy of young people for all these years of work, perseverance and commitment, “which are the beginning of a revolutionary life. The youth of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela are the great school for all young people who aspire to be revolutionaries and revolutionaries in their lives, and we continue to forge ourselves in this school of teachers and teachers.”

The leader said she called on the country's young people and all the Venezuelan people to “return to our roots”, so the JPSUV was deployed in each of the municipalities to talk about cultural identity, that “that every young person from all over the national territory has tattooed on the soul”, as instructed by Commander Hugo Chávez.

“We always have to be like Chávez and we are building it day by day. Chávez invited us all to be Chávez but, without a doubt, in the middle of 2024, when we are about to celebrate the Bicentenary of the Battle of Ayacucho (...) we are sure and we are sure that we have to say: let's be like Nicolás Maduro, a loyal man who teaches Venezuelan youth about patriotism, loyalty, let's be like Nicolás Maduro because he teaches us about solidarity, to be voluntary, to work for our people,” he said.

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