

Gran Misión Venezuela Mujer held a full day in Los Teques

Care with multidisciplinary staff
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 31/05/2024 10:23 PM

As part of the Great Venezuela Women's Mission in the town of Los Teques in Miranda state, a comprehensive care day was held for more than 300 workers in the Metro transportation system and their families.

The entity's women's secretary, Andreína Tarazón, explained that the care day was held jointly with other institutions.

The activity offered services of general medicine, eye care, vaccination, updating of the Patria System, deworming, sales of food and mobile equipment, explains a regional press release.

In addition, the staff held a discussion on the 25 types of gender-based violence stipulated in the Organic Law on the Right of Women to a Life Free of Violence, to promote the construction of a just democratic, participatory and leading society.

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