

Gran Misión Venezuela Mujer awarded training certificates in Caracas

Gran Misión Venezuela Mujer
VTV photo

Published at: 11/06/2024 09:39 AM

Through the social network X, the Minister of Popular Power for Education, Yelitze Santaella, reported that 300 training certificates were delivered to the women of Caracas, through the second vertex of the Great Venezuela Women's Mission.

“A beautiful joint activity with the Schools of Entrepreneurship, Femsur and Inces. Thanks to President @NicolasMaduro for creating this wonderful mission. A mission that, with its 7 vertices, fulfills the dream of the women of the Fatherland,” Santaella wrote on the social network.

She also stressed that thanks to the policies of the Revolution, it has been possible to “empower women in the education sector, through training, from our spaces, from our home, from our community, from the struggle we are fighting every day, it shows that we are free, that we are independent, that we have been trained, and that we have acquired the necessary knowledge to have more value as a woman”.

Across the country, more than 241,000 women have received certificates in the areas of textile manufacturing, culinary arts, the productive world, health, aesthetics, and others.

The Great Mission of Venezuela Women aims to prioritize the health, education, economic development, empowerment and leadership of Venezuelan women, throughout the national territory.

VTV/Mazo News Team