

Gran Misión Venezuela Mujer activated third vertex in Carabobo

Gran Misión Venezuela Mujer
VTV photo

Published at: 16/03/2024 10:14 PM

A total of 400 women participated in the activation of the third Summit of the Great Venezuela Women's Mission , with the purpose of realizing socio-productive projects in the state of Carabobo.

According to information from Venezolana de Televisión, entrepreneurs from the 14 municipalities of the entity participated in this activity.

“Some 400 entrepreneurs presented their projects related to the area of textiles, sewing, pastry, among others. We are very happy to have the support of public and private banks for this promotion of Carabobo women,” said Nancy de Lacava, the wife of the governor of Carabobo.

For her part, the president of the National Fund for Entrepreneurship, Maryuri Bargiela, stressed that “with CrediMujer, we support these 400 women to carry out their businesses.”

VTV/Mazo News Team