

Gran Misión Venezuela Joven and Viva Venezuela coordinate efforts for Holy Week activities

Meeting of the teams of the Great Mission Venezuela Joven and Viva Venezuela
Photo @VillegasPoljak

Published at: 18/03/2024 03:17 PM

Through the social network X, the Minister of Popular Power for Culture, Ernesto Villegas, reported that the promoting teams of the Great Young Venezuela Mission and Viva Venezuela held a meeting to coordinate efforts for the activities that will take place during the Holy Week vacation season.

“The great missions Venezuela Joven and Viva Venezuela articulate efforts for the Holy Week holiday season: fruitful working meeting with @genesisgarvett_ and Daniela Cabello together with the National Promoting Team of the Great Mission Viva Venezuela, my dear Homeland (Iván Pérez Rossi, Francisco Pacheco, Luisana Pérez, Ignacio Barreto) and the @minculturave team,” he wrote on the social network this Monday.

In this regard, Villegas stressed that all the events that are planned for the celebration of this holiday season and those that come in 2024, “our identity will be present, together with the rest of the cultural expressions of humanity, we have no complex in that regard, but we always put our own first and foremost.

Also, in the audiovisual she shared, the head of the Great Venezuela Youth Mission, Genesis Garvett, highlighted that during Holy Week the Mostacho Fest will be taking place, “a festival to celebrate the Venezuelan affirmative”.

At the same time, the head of the third vertex of the Great Venezuela Youth Mission, Daniella Cabello, extended the invitation to the young people of this great festival. “See you at Holy Week with recreation, culture, Venezuelanism and rumba from vertex three of the Great Venezuela Youth Mission and with our dearest Viva Venezuela Mission, My Beloved Homeland,” he said.

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