

Gran Misión Venezuela Bella rehabbed the core of La Universidad del Zulia in Falcón

A total of 34 universities are being intervened for improvements and rehabilitation across the country
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 16/05/2024 04:41 PM

Thanks to the work of the members of the Great Venezuela Bella Mission, this Thursday, module A of the Punto Fijo nucleus, in Falcón of the University of Zulia (LUZ), was delivered to the university community, which was completely rehabilitated by the Bella University Plan.

The president of the mission Jacqueline Faria, Governor Víctor Clark and the rector of LUZ Judith Aular, led the launch of the center for the study of history and tradition within the academic world in Falcón state.

The infrastructure that was abandoned and maintained its virtual classes, was rescued by the Bolivarian Government to resume the face-to-face modality. The first phase of the project impacts more than 20 recovered spaces between classrooms, administrative areas, bathrooms, cafeteria and common areas, necessary to provide five training programs for the benefit of more than 1,300 students and workers.

The Punto Fijo de LUZ nucleus is one of the 34 headquarters that are being intervened through the Great Venezuela Bella Mission.

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