

Gran Misión Abuelos y Abuelas de la Patria deploys in San José de Guaribe

The grandparents of El David de Guárico

Published at: 10/06/2024 06:20 PM

Successfully, Day of Love in Action was developed for the care of grandparents and grandmothers of the country, in the municipality of San José de Guaribe, Guárico state.

This activity was organized following instructions from the president. Nicolás Maduro Moros, as part of the heads of the Great Mission Grandparents and Grandmothers of the Fatherland, in order to meet the needs of older adults in the area, and of the entire country, prioritizing their full well-being.

It also included the participation of Somos Venezuela and the Women's Institute with registrations in the Great Venezuela Women's Mission and the scanning of Homeland cards. The municipality's Nutrition, Social Protection and Comprehensive Community Health Area team “Dr. José María Vargas” are also present to assist the population with general consultations, drug delivery and anthropometric measures, seeking to achieve zero vulnerability and contribute to the healthy and happy lives of guardians and guardians.

Mayor Julio Yánez expressed his joy at sharing with the country's grandparents and grandmothers. “It's beautiful to share with our people, with the grandparents and grandmothers of El David de Guárico, who fill us with joy in harmony, in peace, with all the love we give each other. Thanks to President Nicolás Maduro and our brother Governor José Vásquez, for their tireless support for these activities. Let's go to Guaribe, the little giant in the heart of Venezuela always united!

María Characo, a resident of this municipality, said she was happy with this activity. “I feel very good, very grateful to all the team who are treating us with great love, and to President Nicolás Maduro who gives us all his support. It was an excellent day, which I enjoyed all the attention, and I know that all my colleagues did too. Thank you President!”

In this way, this event succeeded in giving the best to these elderly people, making clear the importance of caring for and providing love to all the grandparents and grandmothers of the country, strengthening their comprehensive care, as instructed by President Nicolás Maduro Moros.

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