

Governor Terán swore in the teams promoting the 7T in La Guaira

The event was held at the Peace Court, located in Playa Grande
Photo @PartidoPSUV

Published at: 30/01/2024 04:30 PM

Last Friday, the governor and political leader of La Guaira, José Alejandro Terán, swore in the men and women who make up the promoting teams for the debate on the 7 Transformations guided by President Nicolás Maduro.

According to information from the PSUV, during the ceremony held at the Peace Court, located in Playa Grande, Terán said that President Maduro believes in the creative capacities of the Venezuelan people, a people that have historically been resilient, rebellious, irreverent and hardworking.

“The President has guided the party and all the forces of the social movements, to go to the catacombs in a process of dialogue, reflection, constructive criticism; of sincere, reliable, profound proposals, on seven issues that are fundamental to ordering the new phase of transition to socialism,” he said.

It is important to highlight that the promoting teams are made up of members of the PSUV La Guaira, social movements and organized popular power. They will be responsible for assuming with leadership and political commitment for three weeks the arduous task of generating debates on the economic, social, political, ecological and geopolitical transformation of the country, as well as the full independence and territorial union of Venezuela.

These meetings will be held in the 11 parishes of the state, and the minimum participation of 3,500 people is estimated through 630 assemblies to analyze and review these 7 dimensions.