

Governor of Monagas: “We have the task of providing peace, tranquility and harmony for the enjoyment of Major Week”

24,132 troops deployed in the states of Monagas, Sucre and Anzoátegui
Photo: Twitter

Published at: 22/03/2024 04:07 PM

The Governor of Monagas state, Ernesto Luna, reported that as part of the Safe Holy Week 2024 operation, more than 180 motorcycles and more than 100 radio patrols with river boats were deployed throughout the state.

He also specified that they placed more than 65 control points, of which 30 are fixed points and 35 mixed and itinerant.

“We have the task of providing peace, tranquility, calm and harmony for the enjoyment of Major Week,” said the Governor through a contact through Venezolana de Televisión.

For his part, the commander of the Strategic Region for Eastern Integral Defense, Juan Ernesto Sulbarán, said that 24,132 troops are deployed in the states of Monagas, Sucre and Anzoátegui.

Sulbarán highlighted that it also has the availability of 1600 means of transport, including tactical and administrative vehicles, patrols, motorcycles, boats, ambulances and cranes, to ensure the safety of the seasons.

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