

Governor Eduardo Piñate rejected conspiracy plans from the extreme right

“In Apure, the fascist coup will not happen, it will be stopped by the Bolivarian Fury of the Venezuelan People,” said Piñate
Apure PSUV Press

Published at: 23/01/2024 06:39 PM

The political liaison of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and governor of the state of Apure, Eduardo Piñate, expressed his unconditional support for the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro in the face of the recent assassination attempt, as well as his absolute rejection of the plans of subversion and coup d'etat of the Venezuelan extreme right.

In his account on the social network X, Piñate said that he held a press conference, “telling us about the information provided yesterday by the Attorney General of the Republic. In Apure, the fascist coup will not happen, it will be stopped by the Bolivarian Fury of the Venezuelan People.”
In a press release published on the PSUV website, he said that before entering the campaign in defense of the Essequibo, the construction of Popular Units For Peace (UPPAZ) had already been announced throughout the country, including Apure.

He stressed that these units are under construction and make it possible to ensure that events and plans like this are not successful, while mentioning the political and mass mobilization that they are carrying out, as well as the support for the community together with the red awning and the popular organization.

Piñate said that although these plans do not seem to have a direct impact on the Apure state, they remain alert and combat criminal groups, mafias and drug trafficking and emphasized the importance of not neglecting or trusting and being constantly alert.

On the other hand, regarding the constant attempts at coups and aggressions that the country has faced since February 2019, he stated that these actions are part of a multifactorial aggression against the Venezuelan People and the Bolivarian Revolution, however, “all conspiracies have failed and have been unveiled.”

He emphasized that Chavism and the Government of President Maduro “are the only ones capable of guaranteeing peace and political stability in Venezuela,” and announced that popular marches and mobilizations will be held to defend the peace and happiness of the Venezuelan people.

He also invited the People to participate in the mobilizations and activities scheduled to commemorate “Rebel February”. In this regard, he announced that next February 2nd, the 25th Anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution will be celebrated and there will be mobilizations throughout the country.

He also mentioned other relevant dates such as the birth of Ezequiel Zamora, on February 4; the Military Rebellion of February 4, 1992; El Caracazo February 27 and 28, 1989.

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