Government of Portuguesa rehabilitates 100 sports fields

Courtesy Internet

Published at: 01/02/2024 10:40 PM
Through the One Court For All plan, around 100 sports facilities will be rehabilitated this year in the Portuguese state.
According to the entity's first civil authority, Primitivo Cedeño, “we are going to meet this year's goal and it's about reaching December 31 with 100 recovered courts, plus the new ones that we are going to build in the Portuguese state”.
The regional president made the announcement during the inauguration of the Prados del Sol Sports Complex, in the southern area of Araure, a project that was built with the One Court for All Plan and consists of a multipurpose indoor court for the practice of soccer, basketball and volleyball, with stands, tanks and fences, as well as an open-air gym and a children's playground for the recreation of the youngest members of the house.
The new sports space covers an area
of more than 3,000 square meters and is built on land that was abandoned for many
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