

Government of Aragua carries out maintenance on rivers, dams and streams

The National Government works to guarantee care for the people
Photo: Girardot Mayor's Office

Published at: 02/06/2024 04:49 PM

The mayor's office of the Girardot municipality of the state of Aragua, in coordination with the National Government, cleans rivers, dams and canals in that town to prevent incidents before the arrival of the rainy season.

In this regard, the director of municipal engineering, José Quijada, indicated that the work teams are deployed at different prioritized points in the municipality, operating in an articulated manner with agencies of the National and Regional Government.

“We have been doing advance cleaning and maintenance work with heavy machinery in the Rio Blanco sector at the confluences of Caño Colorado, where a significant amount of sediment was removed,” he said.

In the same way, he reported on the installation of community weather stations, provided by the National Executive, to obtain more accurate information on rainfall levels both in the north and south of the state.

At the same time, he noted that the different pumping stations in the Los Cocos, La Esmeralda and Aguacatal sectors are 100% operational.

Finally, the official called on the entire Maracayera community not to throw garbage, appliances or any type of waste into the channels, streams and rivers that pass through the municipality. “The accumulation of garbage obstructs drains and bridges causing overflows of water flows, affecting communities in the southern area to a greater extent”.

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