

Goodbye Sayo! Find out what the White House's plans are in the face of the imminent victory of Nicolás Maduro

In accordance with Venezuelan laws, the Bolivarian Revolution remains within the law.
Photo: Internet

Published at: 26/06/2024 10:46 PM

Outside the White House

June 26th, 2024.


Hello my friend Furrialeaño. How are you? Today I am writing to you a few meters from La Casa Blanca, our friend La Charlotte summoned me at the last minute to meet in a “gourmet bakery”, a place that you wouldn't like very much because here they only sell salmon sandwiches with gluten-free bread, and you are one of empanadas with bread and mango carato, but anyway... you and your things.

The truth is that La Charlotte arrived with a lot of mystery and a face of disbelief, something that is not usual for her. Bro, get ready that what's coming is tasty and fresh out of the oven.

It turns out that the Biden administration asked the State Department that high-level officials, namely Anthony Blinken and Brian Nichols, soften their statements when referring to the government of President Nicolás Maduro and the electoral process on July 28, since the door was officially opened for a possible recognition of results in the face of the imminent victory of Nicolás Maduro.

In a private meeting held with senior officials of the North American government, La Charlotte obtained access to a geopolitical analysis and intelligence report, where several things are recognized:

1) “the playing field is tilted in favor of Maduro" despite “the enthusiasm and optimism of the opposition”;

2) recommendations are made to President Biden on the issue of Venezuela and there is an explicit question as to whether or not the United States should recognize a victory by Nicolás Maduro, Brother, you will be surprised, the answer to that question was: “it will depend on the circumstances, but to date, the electoral guarantees of the process have been fulfilled”.

Diosdado, this last sentence says it all, to the best of our knowledge a few words. This explains the reason why the extremist opposition wants to generate violence and confrontation, because if they create chaos, they force the government to act and then they victimize themselves, tarnish Maduro's victory and force the White House to change its mind, a blind eye.

In the same way, the report points against the Venezuelan opposition for “generating false expectations” regarding the electoral landscape and refers to “the catastrophic consequences” caused by “the lack of seriousness with which the Venezuelan opposition has handled the pre-campaign”.

From the White House, they recommended the need to urge opposition factors in Venezuela to understand each other and think about how are they going to regroup to survive after next July 28?

Finally, the document makes it clear that the United States government will not decide unilaterally on the recognition of Nicolás Maduro's triumph. The report clarifies, that it will be a joint decision with governments in the region.

Before leaving, La Charlotte asked me to monitor the next statements made by Brian Nichols, who traveled to Paraguay to hold meetings with regional partners before the OAS General Assembly, where we could see some of the possible changes in the line of discourse, let's hope. By the way, that meeting of the OAS will be the last in which the nefarious Luis Almagro acts as Secretary General. Bye bye Almagro! , you couldn't beat Maduro or the revolution, Almagro gets the phrase: whoever messes with Venezuela dries up.


Diosdado, the extremist opposition was left with its sphincters in the air when last Monday, June 24, the glorious Bolivarian National Armed Forces stepped forward and made it clear that they will not betray the Venezuelan people, that they will not betray the people's struggle to survive the sanctions and the blockade.

The plans of extremism were shattered in their eagerness to try to divide the Armed Forces, and their intentions to rely on the military for an uprising against Nicolás Maduro after July 28.

They continue to bet that Chavism is divided, that the military leadership can be blackmailed, and they have asked the paraquita to release new versions in the coming weeks about some alleged disagreements between the High Command and the political leadership of the Bolivarian Revolution, that's where I'll leave it to you.

The coming weeks will be intense in dirty war campaigns to sow fear, coercion and doubts against FANB officers.


Diosdado, I suppose it must be a worldwide disgrace that Oscar Figuera, usurping the name of the communist party, establishes an alliance with Enrique Márquez, a record of Leopoldo López, María Corina Machado and Rafael Ramírez. In case you have any questions, I leave you a screenshot of the WhatsApp chat where you are and the same one where the call for Oscar Figuera's press conference arrived, but the curious thing is not that, but the one who made the call is Anaís Bello, nothing more and nothing less, than the press team of Juan Guaidó and Voluntad Popular, that is, Juan Barreto and Oscar Figuera use the communication platform of Popular Will , end of the world.


Brother, in Quinta Bejucal, more than one was surprised by the order given by Sayo to her communications team. He prohibited them from limiting the media exposure of grandpa Inmundo González in their personal accounts. Diosdado, something is happening between María Corina and Edmundo, on the one hand, the lady does not want to give up the leading role and on the other, the man has already begun to claim that he is the candidate, will it be the chronicle of a defeat announced for July 28? , we'll see.

In her delusions, La Sayo continues to outline that she is the candidate, and opposition factors warn of the danger of not raising the level of exposure to Inmundo González and only limiting him to neighborhood meetings in Chacao, Baruta and El Hatillo.

It seems that that honeymoon between the two of them is over. As the 28th of July gets closer, the more clashes are inside... That's the way things are.


Remember that I am your best friend, fitness and most important.

Mazo News Team