

GNB seized more than 8 kilos of cocaine in the state of Táchira

Contreras Duque intended to bring cocaine to Valencia, Carabobo state

Published at: 13/02/2024 09:18 AM

The Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), during patrolling work, seized nine packages of suspected cocaine weighing 8,340 kilograms in the state of Táchira.

In the sense, during the operation, the military corps arrested a citizen identified as Luís Alberto Contreras Duque, C.I.V-8,072,231, from the Republic of Colombia who was carrying drugs inside a compartment on the dashboard of a Renault vehicle, model twingo, gray color, license plate AH660UA.

According to information provided by the GNB, Contreras Duque intended to bring cocaine to Valencia, Carabobo state.

Venezuela is a democratic State of law and justice, in which the illegal trafficking of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs is being fought daily. These are not Venezuelan customs, nor do we sow or consume and we will not allow them to be implemented in national territory. Procedure ordered by the Public Prosecutor's Office. For us, the homeland comes first!” , pointed out the Strategic Operational Commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (CEOFANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez.

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