

GNB recovered four AMX-13 armored vehicles (+ Video)

The GNB works to maintain a high level of operational readiness
Photo: Screenshot

Published at: 16/05/2024 02:04 PM

The men and women of Zone Command No. 43 of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) recovered, with their own efforts, four armored vehicles from the AMX-13 system, reported the head of this large unit, G/B José Junior Herrera.

Through a video released in account X of the Strategic Operational Commander of the FANB, G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez, the senior military officer explained that these units are fully operational to face any threat against Venezuela and its heroic people.

For his part, Hernández Lárez stressed that “before, in the Cemetery due to lack of spare parts due to the imperial blockade, now repaired and ready for the defense of the homeland”, while congratulating the efforts of the men and women of Carrubio for this achievement.

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