

Glory to the Brave People! Vicente Salias: Inspiration from independence struggles (+Christmas)

Vicente Salias
Photo: Internet

Published at: 23/03/2024 12:12 PM

On March 23, 1776, in Caracas, the illustrious Venezuelan doctor and poet Vicente Salias was born, author of the lyrics of Gloria al Bravo Pueblo, inspired by the emancipatory struggle, composed in 1810 and declared a National Anthem by decree of President Antonio Guzmán Blanco in 1881.

Because of his active presence in the Patriotic Society created in 1810 by radical and pro-independence young people, his name stands out in the patriotic annals, demonstrating his convictions and republican zeal, so it must be recognized that he belongs more to heroes than to Venezuelan medicine.

Salias's contributions to the area of medicine include his articles of 1804 and 1805, on the smallpox vaccine, which he published while working at the Central Vaccination Board.

In the revolutionary sphere, he participated with his brothers in the movement of April 19, 1810, and after that he entrusted the Supreme Junta of Caracas with the mission of informing Curaçao and Jamaica of the establishment of a government in Caracas and starting commercial relations with these islands.

In 1811 he was imprisoned and transferred to the vaults of La Guaira, the castle of Puerto Cabello and to Valencia, from where he was freed in 1813, when he joined the lines of Simón Bolívar's army. In 1814, he was imprisoned in the castle of San Felipe, where he was tried and sentenced to death.

“Almighty God, if heaven admits Spaniards there, then I renounce heaven”, they say that these were the last words of the doctor, writer and journalist, Vicente Salias.

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