

Gloria al Bravo Pueblo: Song of Freedom converted into Venezuela's National Anthem

Gloria al Bravo Pueblo represents the emancipatory struggles of the Venezuelan people since colonial times, the desire for freedom and for an end to oppression against the vulnerable and excluded

Published at: 25/05/2024 08:00 AM

By decree of the then president, Antonio Guzmán Blanco, on May 25, 1881, Gloria al Bravo Pueblo became the National Anthem of Venezuela, being one of the most patriotic songs in the independence era.

The musical piece, with lyrics by Vicente Salías and music by Juan José Landaeta, emerged as an emotional song after the events of April 19, 1810, reached its popularity at the time of 1811 with the Declaration of Independence and which was sung when revolutionary acts were performed at that time.

Gloria al Bravo Pueblo represents the emancipatory struggles of the Venezuelan people since colonial times, the desire for freedom and for an end to oppression against the vulnerable and excluded.

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