

GJ Vladímir Padrino López presented a plan for the Transformation of Security, Defense and Territorial Integrity

GJ Vladímir Padrino López
Press Ministry for Defense

Published at: 25/09/2024 07:01 PM

This Wednesday, in order to generate the necessary and relevant actions that strengthen the process of innovation and evolution in Venezuela, the Sectorial Vice President of Defense and Sovereignty, General in Chief Vladimir Padrino López, made a dissertation in which he developed the 3rd T, corresponding to the “Transformation of Security, Defense and Territorial Integrity” as part of the Plan of Action of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Commander in Chief Nicolás Maduro Moros.

He added that the 7 Transformations, consolidated in the economic sphere, full independence, Peace, Security and Territorial, Social, Political, Ecology and Geopolitical Integrity of Venezuela in the new global configuration and as part of the 2025-2030 Homeland Plan.

The Minister of Popular Power for Defense also indicated that more than five thousand meetings were held to gather all the ideas, projects and proposals that contributed to the formation of the 3rd T, the Security, Defense and Territorial Integrity Transformation that corresponds to it and is attributed to the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, in a Civic-Military-Police union, in order to consolidate the Axes of Historical Alignment that still “maintain a link with the five strategic balances that Commander Chávez was established in 2001,” he said.

He also firmly reiterated that: “Today, in the year 2024, we are standing, we are firm, looking to the horizon, wanting to work in peace, wanting to work for the country, wanting to recover the economy and wanting to recover the social welfare state, of all of us and of all the people of Venezuela.”

“They want to build a new economic model and continue on the path of work, national effort, recovery, growth and economic diversification”

With the implementation of this 3rd T, it seeks to defend peace, coexistence, tolerance and dialogue among Venezuelans, as well as to reject hatred and repudiate divisionism, guaranteeing the continuity, deepening and consolidation of the Bolivarian Revolution as a historic political project in the integral development of democracy.

Finally, the highest representative of the military institution awarded the award: Military Order of National Defense in the Knight's Degree, to Major General Fabio Zavarre Pabón, Rector of the National Experimental University for Security and Division General Carlos Rodríguez Raban and to Deputy Carolina García, in recognition of passion, dedication and valuable work, with high-level arguments for the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.

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