

Gil: The US is complicit in the intellectual and material authors of acts of terrorism in Venezuela

Yvan Gil, Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 13/02/2024 01:27 PM

The Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Yván Gil, denounced that the United States Government protects those opponents who have made attempts on the life of President Nicolás Maduro and several senior political officials in the country.

“They are accomplices of the intellectual and material authors of the acts of terrorism and interventionism against Venezuela,” he emphasized through the social network X.

In this regard, he pointed out that the CIA and the DEA have been conspiring from Miami and Colombia together with the Venezuelan extreme right in the execution and attempts of terrorist acts against the country.

The statements of the head of Venezuelan diplomacy are due to the fact that the White House has spoken out in favor of Rocío San Miguel, a woman linked to the assassination attempt “White Bracelet”, whose objective was to attempt the life of the Head of State Nicolas Maduro and other senior officials; as well as the attack on several military units in San Cristóbal (Tachira) and other entities of the country.

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