

Giant Chávez: The Pitiyanquis have no love for the country, they are only driven by ambition

Published at: 29/05/2024 09:15 PM

The right wing and the Pitiyankees have no love for the country , they are only driven by ambition and the money, said the Supreme Commander, Hugo Chávez Frías on August 23, 2008.

They have no dignity. The Yankee has their lineage, they are Yankees and they are imperialists. Now the Pitiyanquis are dragged people who have no Homeland, they have no morals. They ruled this country for a century, because they have been governing here for a century and two centuries since they threw Bolivar out of here and had Sucre killed. They are themselves, the same last names, the same lineage, it's the same rude oligarchy. But, now their story is over, now the People rule here and they will not rule again in Venezuela , their time is up, perverse and dirty,” said the top leader of the Revolution from the state of Zulia.

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