

Giant Chávez: Never again will we allow the bourgeoisie to rule this Homeland

Published at: 12/06/2024 11:12 PM

The Bolivarian Revolution has not transcended in recent years to, now, let itself be defeated by the stateless oligarchy, said the Supreme Commander, Hugo Chávez Frías, on August 21, 2010.

“We cannot let our spear break, again, by the sub-imperialist oligarchy, no, it's been too long brothers and sisters of so much battle on this plain, in this whole homeland . We came here to consolidate the victory of the Venezuelan people forever, but we will never allow the Homeland of our old people, that the Homeland If our children are exploited by the bloodsuckers of the stateless, pro-imperialist, sub-imperialist, rotten, corrupt and parasitic bourgeoisie, we will not allow it in any way. The rotten Venezuelan bourgeoisie will never govern Venezuela again, Venezuela will be governed forever by the Socialist and Bolivarian Revolutionary People, said Chávez from Barinas state.

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